Kazakhstan Association of Allergology and Clinical Immunology +7 727 338-70-78 +7 777 277-38-47

Report: XXII National Kazakhstan International Congress "Asthma and Allergy"

13 May, 2022

The XXII National Kazakhstan Congress "Asthma and Allergy" was successfully held on April 28-29, 2022, in Almaty.

Rector of NJSC “KazNMU named by S.D. Asfendiyarov”, Doctor of Medical Sciences, Professor Nurgozhin T.S. delivered with a welcoming speech to the participants of the Annual Congress “Asthma and Allergy”. He noted the importance of the event and the great role in the organization of the Congress of the Chairman of the Senate of NJSC “KazNMU named by S.D. Asfendiyarov”, Head of the Department of Allergology, Doctor of Medical Sciences, Professor Ispayeva Zh.

The Deputy Head of the Public Health Department of Almaty, Sultangaziyeva S., delivered with a welcoming speech. She emphasized that the annual congress with the participation of world scientists in the field of allergology makes it possible to improve the allergological service of the Republic of Kazakhstan.

Rector, Prof. Nurgozhin Т., Deputy Head of the Public Health Department of Almaty, Sultangaziyeva S., Prof. Ispayeva Zh.

Excellent reports by leading European scientists and professors: Piotr Kuna from Poland, Maris Bukovskis from Latvia, devoted to the problem of bronchial asthma, its connection with coronary heart disease, told modern approaches to the pathogenesis and treatment of this formidable disease.

Prof. Piotr Kuna, Poland

Professor Ispayeva Zh. presented updated and newest recommendations for the treatment of allergic rhinitis, urticaria. She explained in detail all the modern aspects of the diagnosis and treatment of these diseases, which are relevant for practicing physicians.

Prof. Ispayeva Zh.

A number of reports by leading scientists of the Republic of Kazakhstan were devoted to the problem of severe bronchial asthma, such as: Doctor of Medical Sciences, Professor Morenko M., Doctor of Medical Sciences Kovzel E., Candidate of Medical Sciences, PhD Tusupbekova G., Candidate of Medical Sciences Khairullina Z., Eraliyev S., Fakhradiyev I.

A school on molecular allergology was held, at which they talked about the molecules of asthma, Doctor of Medical Sciences, Professor, Ispayeva Zh., Doctor of Medical Sciences, Professor Morenko M. "Insect Allergy: Causes, Diagnosis, Recommendations for Doctors", Doctor of Medical Sciences Kovzel E. "Molecular aspects of respiratory allergy in The Republic of Kazakhstan: trees, meadow and weeds", Candidate of Medical Sciences, PhD Tusupbekova G. "Food Allergy: The Significance of Anaphylaxis Molecules".

PhD doctoral student Bekmagambetova R. made a presentation "The role of genetic factors in the development of bronchial asthma" on the immunogenetic aspects of bronchial asthma in the Kazakh population. She reported on the results of her doctoral dissertation within the framework of the ongoing targeted funding program under the supervision of NJSC “KazNMU named by S.D. Asfendiyarov".

Leading allergists of the Republic of Kazakhstan noted the good professional training and activity of assistants, the younger generation of young allergists represented by residents of the allergy department.

The Department of Allergology: assistant Zairova М., PhD doctoral student Bekmagambetova R., Head of the Department, Doctor of Medical Sciences, Professor Ispayeva Zh. assistant Dzhanabayeva N., assistant Zhakiyeva A.

The posters of the residents of the 1st year of study at the Department of Allergology pleasantly surprised the jury members with their novelty and modern approaches to all aspects of allergology.

The first places were shared by:

  1. Bostanov Adilet
  2. Tileukul Fariza
  3. Nurergen Shaimerdenov

The following residents also received second places:

  1. Yun Arman
  2. Khelilova Dilnara
  3. Seisenbai Mereke and Amir Nurila

The third places were divided among themselves:

  1. Orynbasarova Albina
  2. Salmanova Asem

Doctor of Medical Sciences Kovzel E. presents a diploma to resident Bostanov Adilet.

Candidate of Medical Sciences, PhD Tusupbekova G. presents a diploma to resident Yun Arman

Doctor of Medical Science, Professor Ispayeva Zh. presents a diploma to resident Seisenbai Mereke

The “Asthma and Allergy” Congress is an annual significant event for allergists, pulmonologists, otorhinolaryngologists, GPs, therapists and doctors of related specialties, where they improve their professional knowledge, receive practically important information, ask questions of interest to leading specialists of the country and around the world. In addition, doctors actively participate in discussions on interesting clinical situations, receive answers, share experiences, and talk about the problems they face in everyday practical work.

 All participants of the congress noted the high professionalism and practical significance of the reports. The acquired knowledge of new aspects of the diagnosis and treatment of allergic diseases will improve the quality of life of patients.

Participants of the XXII National Kazakhstan International Congress "Asthma and Allergy"