World Allergy Day in the Republic of Kazakhstan October 17, 2024
Venue “Dostyk Hotel”, Kurmangazy str. 36
Department of Allergology and Clinical Immunology of S. D. Asfendiyarov KazNMU on October 17, 2024 in Almaty successfully held the World Day of Allergy in the Republic of Kazakhstan, dedicated to the 135th anniversary of the First Rector of the Kazakh National Medical University Sanzhar Dzhafarovich Asfendiyarov with the participation of leading world-class allergists.
G.A. Shopaeva, Dean of the School of General Medicine - 2, Doctor of Medical Sciences, made a welcoming speech.
An excellent report on “Cutting-edge science in immunotherapy” was delivered by a leading world-class allergist, Director of Clinical Research in Allergy and Immunology, MD, Professor Jorge F. Maspero from Buenos Aires (Argentina). The presentation focused on all the latest methods of allergen-specific immunotherapy (AIT).
Prof. Maria Staevska, Chairman of the Bulgarian Society of Allergists and Head of the Department of Allergology and Clinical Immunology at Sofia Medical University, made a remarkable presentation on “Experience in the use of molecular diagnostics for the selection of patients for AIT”.
In her report on “Anaphylaxis: Rare Examples of Cross Hypersensitivity” Prof. Fedenko E.S., Head of the Department of Allergy and Immunopathology of the Skin, FGBU GSC (Moscow, Russia) reflected a more in-depth understanding of molecular allergodiagnostics.
Did very well speaker from Ukraine, PhD, Yuriev S.D. with the topic “New possibilities of diagnostics of allergic rhinitis and bronchial asthma. FeNO test”. The device, which was presented by him, opens new opportunities for early diagnosis and prevention of further development of bronchial asthma in the future.
Along with the leading foreign speakers there were reports of domestic scientists.
An excellent and practical report was made by the Head of the Department of Allergology and Clinical Immunology of KazNMU named after S.D. Asfendiyarov, Professor Ispayeva.
A report was presented on “Updated Protocol of Allergic Rhinitis - 2024”, which was approved at the JCC on September 19 of this year. She was very detailed with all the changes.
A lecture on “Many faces of urticaria, patient management” was delivered by Dr. E.F. Kovzel, MD, Head of the Department of Diagnostic Center “UMC”.
One of the most actual topics in modern allergology and clinical immunology on genetics of bronchial asthma was presented by Bekmagambetova R.B., assistant of the department, who successfully completed her doctoral studies. In her report she united not only the problem of bronchial asthma, but also its relationship with the environment and genetics.
The head of the Republican Allergological Center, a new doctoral student of the department Batyrbaeva A.J., highlighted the topic of her doctoral work “Features of phenotypes of chronic urticaria in the Republic of Kazakhstan. Quality of life of patients and disease control”.
Traditionally, at the end of the plenary session of the program there is a section of young scientists.
Every year the residents of the department delight the members of the committee with their profound knowledge in the field of allergology and clinical immunology demonstrating excellent poster presentations.
1. Ablimitov S.K., the first in history holder of the personal scholarship of Prof. Zh. Ispayeva. presented a report on the topic: “Sublingual therapy with house dust mites in asthma.
2. Successfully reported Azizbaeva Z.I. with “Modern diagnostics and treatment of allergic rhinitis”, Dautova A.N. with “Atopic dermatitis. Diagnosis and treatment.
3. Very well reported Kakpanbay D.B., who highlighted along with modern methods, the latest trends in the treatment of urticaria.
The participants of the conference noted the high level of the presented reports on all sections of allergic diseases.
A few words about the trip on the eve of the World Allergist Day in RK.
On 11.10.2024 Prof. Zh. Ispayeva. made a presentation “Urticaria treatment old tools and new trends” at the first conference of Lithuanian allergists in Vilnius.
It is significant that the world great of allergology and clinical immunology, respected professor Jean Bousquet (Montpellier, Berlin), who is for more than 30 years the permanent president of ARIA, one of the important organizations of the European Academy of Allergy and Clinical Immunology (EAACI) and WHO responsible for the management of allergic rhinitis and bronchial asthma, made an appearance there.
Good news!
After the Allergist Day Rector of S.D. Asfendiyarov KazNMU awarded Prof. Zh. Ispayeva. with the medal of the first Rector of S.D. Asfendiyarov for special services in the development of the University.
On the eve of the World Day of Allergist of the Republic of Kazakhstan Academician ANRK awarded the prize of the first academician of the Republic of Kazakhstan named after K.I. Satpayev for the development of science of the Republic of Kazakhstan.